Study Overview

Patient Intervention

Clinician Intervention

Survey Instruments

Clinician Intervention

The clinician intervention was based on a model shown to improve treatment knowledge for primary care clinicians. Over the course of the study’s 12-month intervention period, clinicians in both interventions groups received two academic detailing visits for CME credit on the clinician management of depression from a team consisting of a primary care physician and a consultation-liaison psychiatrist. The visits focused on the latest advances in depression diagnosis and assessment (visit one) as well as treatment and referral (visit two). Additionally, the consultation-liaison psychiatrists were available via telephone to clinicians throughout the intervention period to discus difficulty with patient diagnosis, motivation to initiate treatment, adherence to treatment, and response to treatment.

Standard Clinician Workbook

The patient-centered clinician intervention workbook guided each clinician through his or her personal interactive communication skills training program in a one-on-one or small group format. The program featured a CD-ROM containing the clinician’s interview with a simulated patient at baseline, fully analyzed using the Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS). This sophisticated coding software generated tabular and graphic analyses of the verbal components. Using the CD-ROM and companion workbook clinicians were introduced to the RIAS and guided them through case-based exercises for skill practice. An example of the workbook and RIAS interactive program is displayed here.

Patient-Centered Clinician Workbook